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Regarding the removal of the Hiroshima Peace City Monument

Regarding the removal of the Hiroshima Peace City Monument


“Air superiority has yet to be regained.” “I won’t let you repeat a mistake twice.”
With Nobu, the Japanese think in a Japanese way, both physically and mentally, and try to communicate for the sake of the Japanese in their native language.
 Even though they create fictitious objects of worship in the occupation language and spirit, it is synonymous with “no permanent government under democracy”. Therefore, when we Japanese try to convey the truth for the sake of the Japanese people, we naturally use regular kanji and shogana, and write a petition without using occupied kanji and occupied kana.

It is my sincere regret that the inscription, “Because mistakes will not be repeated,” has been an important political issue for many Japanese people since its foundation. However, the city hall authorities did not listen to the voice sincerely, and even the records were destroyed after about three years due to an internal arrangement, and even the existence was denied.

1 Isn’t this inscription a humiliation and blasphemy to all Japanese victims of the atomic bombings, starting with Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
2 Isn’t this inscription a matter of the survival of all Japanese people, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

3 Is this inscription a justification for “President Truman’s order to drop the atomic bomb” in the future?
4 Isn’t this inscription forcing the Japanese to have a historical view that “the Japanese invaded the world” for the foreseeable future? 

historical facts
On August 2, 1953, a member of the Hiroshima City Council, the second person who made the statement, Yokota, a member of the Hiroshima City Council, said, “…”We will not repeat our mistakes.” If the mayor, as a citizen, has the notion that it is wrong to truly cooperate with the state, I dare to say that the mayor is not a Japanese politician. (Suddenly) Kani should resign as mayor…” Hiroshima City Council History, Proceedings Material, [2] 423, page 436.

“Citizen’s voice” 1977 (1977.4.1-1953.3.31) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, group petition category 6, related to the atomic bomb. 5 cases.
“Citizen’s voice” 1979 (1979.4.1-1955.3.31) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, group petition category 6, related to the atomic bomb. Number of cases: 2, previous year: 2, others not listed.
“Citizen’s voice” 1981/1982 (1981.4.1-1957.3.31) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, content of administrative consultation -Peace culture-There is no division for this year.
Material “Citizen’s Voice” 1983 (1983.4.1-1959.3.31) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division Contents of Administrative Consultation-Peace Culture-There is no division for this year.

“Citizen’s voice” 1984 (1984.4.1-1985.3.31) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Contents of Administrative Counseling -Peace Culture- 1 Memorial Monument
“Citizen’s Voice” 1985 (April 1, 1960 to March 31, 1986) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Contents of Administrative Consultation -Peace Culture-There is no classification for this year.
“Citizen’s voice” 1986 (61.4.1 – 62.3.31) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, content of administrative consultation – peace culture – there is no division for this year.
“Citizen’s Voice” 1987 (April 1, 1987-March 31, 1987) Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Administrative Counseling – Peace Culture – There is no division for this year.

“Citizen’s Voice” 1988 Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Administrative Counseling – Peace Culture – There is no classification for this year.
“Citizen’s Voice” 1989 Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Administrative Consultation Contents-Peace Culture-Separate Peace Park, No Cenotaph Item.
“Citizen’s Voice” 1990 Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Administrative Consultation Contents-Peace Culture-8 Memorial Monuments.
“Citizen’s Voice” 1991 Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Administrative Consultation (Content) Category Memorial monument 5 cases across the city, 22 cases in Naka Ward, 27 cases in total.

“Citizen’s Voice” 1992 Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Administrative Consultation – Peace Culture – 15 Cenotaphs. *This year is described as a “cenotaph.”
“Citizen’s voice” 1993 Hiroshima City Mayor’s Office Public Hearing Division, Municipal Counseling Statistical Materials, Peace Culture, 3 Cenotaphs.
“Citizen’s voice” 1994 Hiroshima City Citizens Affairs Bureau Civic Life Department Public Hearing Division, Municipal Counseling Statistical Materials, Peace Culture, 5 Cenotaphs.
“Citizen’s voice” 1995 Hiroshima City Public Hearing Division, Public Hearing Division, Municipal Counseling Statistics, 14 Peace and Culture, 2 Cenotaphs.

“Citizens’ Voices” 1996 Hiroshima City Citizens Bureau Public Relations and Public Hearing Division, Municipal Counseling Statistics, 15 Peace and Culture, 2 Cenotaphs.
“Citizen’s Voice” 1997 Hiroshima City Planning and General Affairs Bureau Public Relations and Public Hearing Division, Municipal Counseling Statistics, 15 Peace and Culture, 2 Cenotaphs.
“Citizen’s voice” 1998 Hiroshima City Planning and General Affairs Bureau Public Relations and Public Hearing Division, Municipal Counseling Statistics, 14 Peace and Culture, 6 Cenotaphs.
“Citizen’s Voice” 1999 Hiroshima City Planning and General Affairs Bureau Citizen Consultation Center, Municipal Counseling Statistical Materials, 7 Peace and Culture, 7 Cenotaphs.

“Citizen’s voice” is owned by Hiroshima City Central Library.
After that, the “citizen’s voice” did not appear to have been created.
 In February 1970, the ceremony for the formation of the “Association for Correcting the A-bomb Cenotaph” was held. Eight advisors, 39 advisors, 86 advisors, and 120 caretakers are appointed.
March 9, 1970 Acceptance of the petition for “A-bomb Cenotaph and Inscription Revision” (Introduced 18,000 signatures to Mayor Setsuo Yamada and Chairman Yoshimitsu Asao. Submitted along with member Tadao Ito, and immediately submitted to General Affairs and Waterworks Committee.) entrusted to.)
On March 15, 1970, Kenzo Kobayashi, a professor at Tamagawa University and a former editorial writer for the Chugoku Shimbun, admonished the epitaph in his “Cenotaph for the A-bomb Cenotaph and Tombstone.”

On August 5, 1970, the Himeji Goyu Federation submitted a petition to revise the inscription (2,000 people).
 From January 1971, the campaign of “visiting the monument” began.
 On July 12, 1971, the petition “Revision of the Atomic Bomb Cenotaph and Inscription” was accepted.
In April 2013, a petition was submitted to “remove the Atomic Bomb Cenotaph.”
In December 2013, a petition was submitted to “remove the Atomic Bomb Cenotaph.” By the end of April 2015, more than 900 signatures have been submitted.

We must deny nuclear warfare to all nations for true world peace and the eradication of war.

To that end, shouldn’t history be examined as it is, and rather than a one-sided and one-sided evaluation of information manipulation, shouldn’t we have a discussion that includes relatively objections?

Many Japanese who wish to remove the “Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims” never fully understand the city hall’s explanation.

If we don’t engrave in future generations and history the fact that we risked our lives to remove the cenotaph for self-determination, this earnest wish may be erased forever.

To this day, there has never been an official city-wide public questioning of citizens’ opinions on “removal”, nor has there been an opportunity to offer a place to speak.

As long as we live, we will appeal to the conscience of the city of Hiroshima and the members of the Hiroshima City Council for the immediate removal of the monument so that we will not repeat the mistake. .

The Atomic Bomb Cenotaph “Because the mistakes will never be repeated” is nothing other than the maintenance of the occupation regime in both form and meaning.

A certain newspaper dated January 8, 1968 said, “We, the Marxist-Lenin Party, Japan, have never once argued that Japan has no right to self-defense. The reason why Japan is telling us to stop the Self-Defense Forces is because Japan is a dependent nation to the United States that has not regained its sovereignty. I have no intention of defending Article 9 until after I have recovered, and then, like any other sovereign nation, I will not take the necessary and appropriate measures for self-defense. It is a matter of course.”

1. Shouldn’t the city authorities be able to prove the relevance of the “Yasukuni Shrine Visit Protest/Osprey Protest” gatherings near the cenotaph under cover for the abolition of nuclear weapons?

2 Even elementary school students now know that the dropping of atomic bombs is a clear violation of international law. What is the reason for keeping the Atomic Bomb Cenotaph in the future?

3 Percentage of opinions withdrawn/not removed from the city hall. Of those, what percentage of those who advocate removal understood and agreed with the city hall’s explanation? Open doors to dialogue and understanding should be sought widely.

4 Recognize the facts and feelings that many citizens have been conducting monthly activities to question the “Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb” for a long period of time.

5. Consider discussions by multiple third parties based on more accurate facts that are not biased. Example: Reference Material 1, “Atomic Bomb and Literature” 1999, 2001, 2001, and 2007 Hiroshima University Professor Yoshie Funahashi, “Who’s ‘Fault’?” Epitaph Controversy: More Easy-to-understand Inscriptions”, “Rekindled Controversy over Atomic Bomb Inscriptions”. Reference material 2, “Record of the struggle over the Hiroshima monument” published on September 27, 1971, edited by Ichiro Fujii, published by Setouchi Shimbun.

6 The people are not the founding sovereigns, but the heirs of the nation

The number of young people trying to find a solution outside parliament will continue to grow. Shouldn’t we make an effort to find a peaceful solution that is acceptable to all people in the parliament?

Hundreds of times more than that voice is hidden. However, the city hall replied, “It is an internal agreement that the materials will be destroyed after about three years.”

Historically, without any deliberation or discussion, this political controversy has been ignored and pretended that the problem did not exist.

We, who aspire to world peace any more, cannot afford to neglect hypocrisy, burden young people with a bright future, and force harm.

If the voice of doubt is not heard, it is nothing less than self-righteousness and dictatorship that does not listen to opinions that are inconvenient for itself. If this is called democracy or sovereignty of the people, as if it were an ally of justice, then the peace that Hiroshima City has announced to the world will never be realized.

Unquestionable Facts 1

On September 8, 2013, according to the “Work Report” for the Greening Promotion and Peace Memorial Park, “… 78 men and women… From 11:10, ‘Be careful not to donate’… Get permission I’m doing it…'”. If you really have permission, do you have to “move out at 11:20”?

Unquestionable Facts 2

On August 6, 2013, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park “Permit for use in the park” was issued by Hiroshima City Directive No. 309, 329, 318, 328, 333, 336, 338, 340, this permit is everything. However, as you all know, there are multiple unauthorized gatherings taking place on that day.

Unquestionable Facts 3

In the “Atomic Bomb Memorial Monument” collection box, income was confirmed for 2011 (6,062,471 yen), 2012 (6,403,243 yen), and 2013 (5,560,110 yen). Of these incomes (24,025,000 yen), from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015, the subject was “A-bomb experience lectures, etc. for students on school excursions.” These venue usage fees are (Hiroshima International Conference Hall 5,789,510 yen) (Hiroshima Cultural Exchange Hall 9,184,570 yen) (Sunroute Hotel 2,229,120 yen) (International Conference Hall 444,780 yen).

“Money in the collection box” seems to be a chain of commerce that benefits only certain facilities. The fact that there are still many people calling for the removal of the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Cenotaph should be impartially conveyed in “Lectures on Experiencing the A-bombing for Students on School Trips, etc.” wouldn’t it?

Indisputable Facts 4

Even the Chugoku Shimbun (August 2, 1957) said, “If there were two opinions that the inscription should be left as it is, there were an overwhelming majority of opinions that it should be revised.”

“Kaiuchi Yoron” published in July 1967 (Setouchi Shimbun Hodosha, Hiroshima City) Posted by Mr. Fusao Hayashi, “Cenotaphs for the atomic bombing are a shame for the Japanese people.”

 ”Record of the battle over the monument in Hiroshima” Kaiuchi Yoron published on September 27, 1971, owned by the Hiroshima City Central Library.

 In 2003, the fact that “Mr. Makoto Miyoshi, who fasted for three days in order to remove the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bombing” was expelled.

These facts and books are also sealed.

Reference MaterialsHiroshima City Park Ordinance

Article 4. Anyone who intends to engage in any of the following acts in the park must obtain permission from the mayor.

(1) Selling, fundraising, opening a store, or engaging in other similar acts.

(4) Exclusive use of all or part of the park for competitions, exhibitions, gatherings and other similar events.

2. Those who wish to obtain the permission set forth in the preceding paragraph must submit an application to the mayor stating the purpose of the action, the period of the action, the place or park facility where the action will take place, the content of the action, and other matters instructed by the mayor. .

Article 5

(4) Attaching a sticker or tag, or displaying an advertisement.

⑺ Conducting acts that cause inconvenience to park users.

⑻ In addition to the preceding items, engaging in acts that are deemed to interfere with the management of the park.


Article 19. Those who fall under any of the following items shall be fined not more than 50,000 yen.

(1) A person who violates the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 1 or 3 (including cases where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis in Article 17) and commits acts listed in each item of paragraph 1 of the same article

“What is it for?”

All of this is the work of the plan to destroy the nation and the harm caused by the false apology “Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb”.

court battle

 On May 12, 2016, Kabe Court Complaint Submission, Defendant Hiroshima City

On June 28, 2016, the decision was transferred to the Hiroshima District Court.

 February 28, 2017, Civil Division 1, Hiroshima District Court, 2016 (Wa) No. 818, judgment, dismissal

 July 12, 2017, Hiroshima High Court 3rd Division, 2017 (Ne) No. 113, judgment, dismissal

July 27, 2017, Notice of Final Appeal, 2017 (Ne) No. 113

Cenotaph for the A-bomb Cenotaph in front of Tsujidachi (partially published)

July 31, 2017, August 1, 2017, 3rd of the same year, 4th of the same year, 5th of the same year, 16:00 to 19:30 on July 30, 2018, the same year 31st of the same year, August 1st of the same year, until 20:00 on the 2nd of the same month, until 18:00 on the 3rd of the same year.

On August 4, 2017, I was standing at the crossroads in front of the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Cenotaph, holding up the banner “Removal Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Cenotaph 10,000 signatures,” as I do every year. Internal security guards have attempted to remove them through human rights violations and coercion.

On July 23, 2018, the lawsuit was filed with the Kabe Summary Court.

On September 3, 2018, the defendant Hiroshima City filed a petition for transfer. Case No. 2018 (Wa) No. 1119, Atomic Bomb Mass Murder Rights Infringement Compensation Case Hiroshima District Court Civil Division 1, Section 1A is ongoing.

Historically, without any deliberation or discussion, the city government has ignored this political controversy and pretended that the problem did not exist. We, who aspire to world peace, can no longer neglect hypocrisy, burden young people with a bright future, and force harm.

Since the atomic bombing, I haven’t been able to get a single day of peace, and the flames of anger are wandering. Against the aggression of the United States, we represent the international community, unite as comrades to eradicate wrongdoing, rectify the cause, and express our sincere sympathies, and the vanguard of absolute peace and security in all of Asia. must be. In order not to repeat the act of aggression, be sure to drag him out to the court and sentence him to death! Let us bring about absolute peace.

In this regard, on behalf of all Japanese, Koreans and others who were victims of the atomic bombing, as well as all those who have doubts about the cenotaph, we urge the city of Hiroshima , immediately, immediately (*In the original petition, since it has been 75 years since the weapons of mass destruction were dropped, “immediately” is written 75). “Establish a review committee,” and petition for the immediate removal of the “Hiroshima Peace City Monument.”

“Air supremacy has not yet been achieved.” Because I won’t let you repeat the mistake.

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